Ronnie “iHeartMalware” Tokazowski

I’ve got 419 Problems and BEC Isn’t Just One


Ronnie Tokazowski, aka iHeartMalware, is a Senior Threat Researcher with Agari who specializes in BEC intelligence. Ronnie also has experience reverse engineering APT malware and finds enjoyment by messing with threat actors.


“Hey, I have an urgent wire transfer…can you process it today? We need to purchase some gift cards for employees as they’ve been doing GREAT this year. Can you run a quick task for me? I love you dearly, can you open a bank account for me?”

We’ve all seen the headlines. Heck, some of us have even BEEN the headlines. $100k gone here, $250k gone there, million and a half gone there. Many say it’s just social engineering and low tech crimes, but that ‘low tech’ and ‘social engineering’ problem is responsible for over $26 billion dollars of losses, with 90% of countries in the world reporting losses to BEC. In many cases, romance victims have even paid the ultimate price due to the anguish and emotional turmoil that scammers put them through, and BEC is just getting worse. In this presentation, we will walk through BEC and the 419 other crimes that the SAME actors are involved in, including payroll diversion schemes, check fraud, romance scams, account takeovers, and vendor email compromises, just to name a few. And as always, #NotAVendorPitch.