Neil R. Wyler(a.k.a. Grifter) is a Threat Hunting and Incident Response Specialist with RSA. He has spent over 19 years as a security professional, focusing on vulnerability assessment, penetration testing, physical security and incident response. He has been a staff member of the Black Hat Security Briefings for over 17 years and a member of the Senior Staff at DEF CON for 19 years. Wyler has spoken at numerous security conferences worldwide, including Black Hat, DEF CON and RSA Conference. He has been the subject of various online, print, film and television interviews, and has authored several books on information security. Wyler is a member of the DEF CON and Black Hat CFP review boards, the Black Hat Training Review Board, the founder of DC801 and founder of his local hackerspace, 801 Labs.
Shakespeare was wrong. “What…the…#$%^&!?!” That is the question. This session will take you behind the scenes with the leader of both the Black Hat NOC and RSAC SOC to find out just what it is that security professionals get up to when they connect to the WiFi of the largest security conferences in the world. You’ll discover the distinct differences in the network architecture, deployment and security posture that can lead to some often cringeworthy, and comical, situations. What are we doing right? What are we doing wrong? And, what…the…#$%^&!?!